Brown Antique


Brown Antique granite highlights the natural variations in stone with its deep brown hues and flecks of white crystal and grays. This granite is available in both slabs and tiles and good for countertops and flooring for both indoors and outdoors.


Brown Antique

Primary Color(s) : Brown

Other Industry Names(AKA) : N/A

Stone Type : Granite

Country : Angola

Available Finishes : Brushed, Polished

Variations : MEDIUM

Slab Dimensions : 2 CM, 3 CM

Recommended usage

Residential Usage
Flooring: Yes
Countertops: Yes
Wall / Backsplash: Yes


Commercial Usage
Flooring: Yes
Countertops: Yes
Wall / Backsplash: Yes


Freezing Climate: Yes
Exterior Usage: Yes

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